Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Clash Wednesday, Clash Corn

A side dish to the Clash Wednesday Benefit Show main course.

When I got into the car of Shadcore, I was just happy as a non-driver to be getting a way home. It's a constant struggle and work of negotiation in a place like Tampa Bay, trying not to be an inconvenience to your friends and acquaintances, and a nice guy like Rashad helps massively. What I was not expecting was a trip down nourishment lane! One crucial element in being a humble hitcher is flowing with the motorists schedule, so I raised no objection when Rashad asked if I minded stopping to see some cousins of his before they left town.

After a shot of wine made from grapes grown in his families own backyard, it dawned on me just how large the zip lock of corn was. I'd accepted it without viewing the dose, but it was no mistake. Three days and two thirds into the bag my girlfriend and I are still trying to judo the stuff down. It's gone into sandwiches, tacos, the side of fries and eaten by its cobby self. The mac and cheese that Shadcore's mother makes was devoured within the hour of leaving its mother kitchen, totally justifying its position in the rappers lyrics sheet. Such generous genes is surely the kind of thoughtfulness that led me to get a lift in the first place.

Music and food, bringing people together since Clash Wednesday!

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